


Monday, November 6, 2023



1. Q: When were the Round Table Conferences held?

   A: The Round Table Conferences were held in three sessions: 1930-1931, 1931-1932, and 1932-1933.

2. Q: Where were the Round Table Conferences held?

   A: The first two sessions were held in London, while the third was held in India.

3. Q: What was the primary objective of the Round Table Conferences?

   A: The primary objective was to discuss and frame a new constitution for India.

4. Q: Who chaired the first Round Table Conference?

   A: The first Round Table Conference was chaired by British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.

5. Q: Who boycotted the first Round Table Conference, leading to its ineffectiveness?

   A: The Indian National Congress boycotted the first Round Table Conference.

6. Q: Which prominent Indian leader represented the Indian National Congress at the second Round Table Conference?

   A: Mahatma Gandhi represented the Indian National Congress at the second Round Table Conference.

7. Q: Who represented the Muslim League at the Round Table Conferences?

   A: Muhammad Ali Jinnah represented the Muslim League at the Round Table Conferences.

8. Q: What was the result of the first Round Table Conference?

   A: The first Round Table Conference failed to reach a consensus on constitutional reforms.

9. Q: What important principle was agreed upon during the second Round Table Conference?

   A: The principle of separate electorates for minorities was accepted during the second Round Table Conference.

10. Q: What is the Simon Commission's relation to the Round Table Conferences?

    A: The Simon Commission's recommendations led to the demand for constitutional reforms and, subsequently, the Round Table Conferences.

11. Q: Who presided over the third Round Table Conference in India?

    A: The third Round Table Conference was presided over by the Marquess of Linlithgow.

12. Q: Which important agreement was reached during the third Round Table Conference?

    A: The Government of India Act of 1935 was formulated as a result of the discussions in the third Round Table Conference.

13. Q: What was the Communal Award, and when was it announced?

    A: The Communal Award of 1932 granted separate electorates to various religious and social groups.

14. Q: What did the Poona Pact of 1932 aim to achieve?

    A: The Poona Pact was an agreement between B.R. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi to secure reserved seats for Dalits (Scheduled Castes) within a joint electorate.

15. Q: What was the ultimate outcome of the Round Table Conferences in terms of the new constitution?

    A: The Round Table Conferences laid the foundation for the Government of India Act of 1935, which provided for limited self-government in British India.

16. Q: What role did Lord Irwin play in the Round Table Conferences?

    A: Lord Irwin (also known as Lord Halifax) was the Viceroy of India during the Round Table Conferences and played a significant role in facilitating the discussions.

17. Q: Who was the chairman of the joint committee that formulated the Government of India Act 1935?

    A: Lord Linlithgow chaired the joint committee that formulated the Government of India Act 1935.

18. Q: How did the Round Table Conferences influence the process of Indian independence?

    A: The Round Table Conferences paved the way for increased Indian participation in government and were a significant step toward Indian self-rule.

19. Q: What was the major criticism of the Round Table Conferences by some Indian leaders?

    A: Some Indian leaders criticized the Round Table Conferences for being inconclusive and not adequately representing the interests of all Indians.

20. Q: When was the Government of India Act of 1935 implemented, and what significant changes did it bring?

    A: The Government of India Act of 1935 was implemented in 1937 and introduced provincial autonomy, a federal structure, and a system of indirect elections.

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